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10 ways to lose weight organically while you sleep


If going on a weight loss diet and rigorous exercise are currently off your mind, consider these good practices for organic weight management:

1. Tryptophan is an amino acid found in protein foods, such as lamb, turkey, chicken, fish, eggs, nuts and lentils. It has powerful deep sleep inducing effects which help weight loss. Make sure they’re organic.

2. Choose your tea carefully. Camomile, peppermint, valerian and lavender have sedative properties. Some teas have magical weight loss properties as they seem to help melt fat. Green tea boosts metabolism and white tea may block fat from being absorbed.

3. Big heavy meals, alcohol and stimulants like coffee and colas should be avoided at night time. Whole grains should be eaten at lunch time as serotonin is converted to melatonin during sleep and is sourced from complex carbohydrates which can be eaten at other times during the day.

4. Eating a large meal before going to bed induces your body to work on digesting through the night which doesn’t allow you to sleep very well. Also, eating late produces growth hormone which stores the food in the system as fat rather than fuel.

The later you fall asleep, the less rest you’ll get and the more likely it is that you’ll wake up groggy and reach for calorie dense foods. Eat at least an hour or two before going to bed.

5. Make sure to switch off all lights. Exposure to night lights can interrupt sleep as well as encourage weight gain.

6. Both children and adults who use technology in the bedroom and leave it on at night causing night time glow in the room do not get deep sleep, and don’t feel well rested. Not getting enough deep sleep causes the body to produce cortisol, a hormone which stores fat.

7. Having a protein shake before hitting the sack can have a positive effect on metabolism. This is because more calories are required to digest protein.

8. Lower the bedroom temperature. This will force your body to burn more calories as it has to work harder to keep you warm.

9. Cut out or reduce alcohol. Alcohol should not be drunk at least 3 hours before bedtime as it doesn’t allow you to get into deep sleep.

10. Keep and stay fit. However, exercise should be scheduled in the morning or afternoon as exercise wakes up the body, which makes it difficult to get into deep sleep.

Maria Mangion is a registered nutritionist and health educator who has been guiding, educating, motivating and supporting individuals of all ages and sizes for the past 25 years. “I like to use a holistic approach to health. The individual's overall health is assessed from diet, to exercise, to sleeping habits. Once the lifestyle of the individual is known, a treatment plan can be formulated together based on realistic needs and goals. Progress is discussed with the individual through regular meetings.”

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